Welcome to HikeWest
HikeWest is the pre-eminent body and voice for bushwalking / hiking in WA, recognised by the WA State Government as a State Active Recreation Organisation and supported by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.
We are a volunteer-run, not-for-profit association committed to promoting bushwalking and the interests of bushwalkers in the State, in keeping with our vision of seeing more people hiking in Western Australia more often.
Hiking is for everyone! There’s no better way than bushwalking to discover and value the natural beauty of our parks and forests.
Your support helps ensure that the interests and concerns of the bushwalking community are heard and strongly represented. Our members and supporters can expect to see hiking gain a greater profile in recreation in the State.
Find out more About us and our mission to encourage and support more people to pursue health and happiness by hiking in nature.